Thursday, March 5, 2015

21 Things I Learned By the Age of 21

A reasonable amount of self-reflection throughout my life helped me avoid making the same mistakes over again (after a few times, I’ll admit). So having stalled this piece for a while now, I thought I'd make it happen before I hit the next number! I'm here to share the 21 most-crucial things life has taught me over my teen years, and things I'd definitely teach myself before, if I knew any better. I'll just jump right to it.

1.      Stop self diagnosis. 
I'm tired of worrying myself crazy about things that never happened to me, especially on the health frontier. My dentist recently clicked my head back on, when she called me a “Google-educated doctor” because I was becoming highly inquisitive. And that very day, I stopped worrying about all the diseases and disorders Google gave to me.

2.      Once you go fat, you can't go back.
From looking under-nourished to reaching the peak of "healthy" on the BMI scale - I've seen both worlds. I've indulged in high-calorie foods for so long just to gain some flesh on my bones, that now I can see repercussions in the form of never-melting fat. Scientifically proven, fat cells never die - they just squeeze into corners, ready to be fed once you leave that crash diet. The point to take away from this? Well, to eat in moderation or just exercise enough, you’d like.

3.      Stop using technology when you're talking. 
I've gone out of the way at home, to turn off the TV and keep everyone's phones aside so that we can have a one-to-one conversation, instead of a one-to-someone.

4.      Have some gratitude.
Whenever you're sad, immediately stop in that very moment, and count what you're grateful for. And if possible, forget your problems temporarily and go help someone else. 
I've sincerely followed this for some time now, leading myself to believe, my grass may not be the greenest, but its green enough for me.

5.      Learn to let go of people.
It’s okay to lose friends, even if they meant the world to you. While you do move on eventually, the true essence of letting go of someone is being able to not “hate” them or have any ill-will towards their existence. I’ll go cliché here and say – live and let live!

6.      Clean surroundings make you more productive.
Call it Feng Shui, human psychology or a minor case of OCD - this has been tried and tested by me as well. The more de-cluttered your wardrobe, bed, school bag or even kitchen is - the more empowered and willing to do something you'll feel. I learned something very small but beautiful while watching a TV show once - every item has its own place. So when you set everything up in its right place, you're sorting your life out literally as well as symbolically.

7.      The best things in life are free.
Well food, ofcourse, yes. But in general, the most happiness you'll find isn't by investing in things, rather in people. So the next time you truly want to make someone’s day, don't gift them materialistic trinkets and what-not (unless its chocolates – you can never gift enough chocolates), but instead, gift them your time.

8.      Learn the difference between sympathy and empathy.
Teenagers are the biggest hormone wrecks you'll find (I've been one too, no judging). You'll be tempted to mourn about your grievances in every form whether it's online through all the social media or in person, to garner all the sympathy you can. If you really want to feel better about your problem, or help someone else out - don't attract or provide sympathy. Be empathetic. It's difficult to explain this one, but I'm sure you'll sympathize with me. xD

9.      The world is an infinite pool of knowledge. 
Take a second to realize – the unlimited amount of information in the world, just waiting to be consumed! You can't know everything, but if you want, you can learn quite a lot. Make yourself culturally, politically and psychologically diverse. Even if your friends are JUST like you, you can spend quality time on YouTube (I say this because many of us aren't voracious readers). And why must you gain this information? To grow! And also because who likes a gossip queen that has nothing but shallowness to offer?

10.  When you've received everything you possibly could out of a relationship or job, move out of it.
If you keep moving in circles, you'll always come back to zero displacement (as physics told us). There is just SO much to be experienced in this world that you can't afford to have the single same experience forever. On the other hand, inertia can be so tempting. But it’s the ability to fight this psychological inertia that will make your life move.

11.  Make peace with your past - it may not have screwed your life but it will atleast stop screwing your mind. 
You don't have to go back to being in the same relationship with the people you broke up with, but it's important that at some point in life you lay down the hatchet. A door swings both ways, so don't keep blaming someone for entirely doing something wrong, take a couple moments to apologize and grow up. This way, you won't cringe every time you hear their name or meet them randomly (and I promise, you actually will, because the world is really small place).

12.  You don't need anything to be happy. 
When in doubt, follow this - look in the mirror, place your hand over your heart and say to yourself - this is where my happiness lies. Cheesy much? I know. But it's the best reminder to just BE HAPPY. It starts from within. And if you really have nothing to be happy about (because you're so ignorant), just celebrate your existence.

13.  We aren't the only intelligent life in the universe. 
Well for one, look at government websites from around the world, where UFO "eyes only" documents have been released over these decades, still unsolved cases. Second, you think an infinite universe was created just for us? Like I said, there's an indefinite pool of knowledge to dive into - what side of the pool are you looking at?

14.  Make lists
The simple practice of making lists, crossing them out and feeling highly accomplished works like a charm. I've got post-its all over my desk, for personal and professional goals, as well as to-do's on my phone. And the joy of having achieved something is what makes me motivated to do so much more!

15.  Every situation cannot be binary – there isn't always a right or wrong.
If everyone thought in the same way, if everyone wanted the same things, we'd all be robots living in a boring world of nothingness. Don't be bent on proving your point every single time, or going bonkers because someone's ideology doesn't match yours. The key here is to "agree to disagree".

16.  It's okay not to have a boyfriend/girlfriend (I’m sorry to break your bubble). 
If the sole purpose of your life is to get married and have children, please self-reflect! 
The "desperation" to get into a relationship is seeing new heights with every generation that passes. Don’t get me wrong – I know for a fact that infatuation and attraction play a dominant role in almost every teenager's life, and we could have a whole debate on the growing promotion of sexual content that is becoming more public by the hour, but my main point is - why is the old-school "sharing smiles" rapidly transforming into "sharing saliva" and why isn't education the next "sexy"? If you evaluate people's intolerance to live with one another, you'll discover that seldom do relationships go a long way. On the other hand, a solid educational foundation might just make you the next Larry Page (or whomsoever may YOU idealize).

17.  Stand up for/against something. Make your voice count.
Form an opinion about things, stand up for a cause you truly feel for and make your existence worthwhile! There are so many tragic events and underprivileged people who need YOU to speak up for them. And hey, if you really want to start somewhere - start by standing up for yourself. The world would be a much better place if everyone helped take care of each other.

18.  Donate.
Not because you'll go to heaven or because you felt sympathy. But because you CAN. I read Gandhi's quote in a geography book once but it's making sense now after a decade - there is enough in this world for everyone's need, but for nobody's greed. So if there is ANYTHING to spare, please do so.

19.  Respect other people's time. And make sure they respect yours!
I have this fortune/unfortunate habit of scheduling my life around time slots, as much as possible. So when other people who are required to meet this time slot don't show up, it really bums me out, and it seems like they're wasting my time as well as their own. And no, right now I may not be the busiest person, but managing time is something we all need to learn. If you have to walk away from someone for their poor commitment, don't fret it!

20.  Learn to stomach gruesome, frightening content.
At one point in life, reading a horrendous rape story made me sleepless for nights, and I had to lean on friends and family to talk me through the nights. I have begun to accept that I don't live in a great world, there is terror at every corner and the only way to handle it is to KNOW IT EXISTS. So grow your appetite for the worst this world has to offer and come out of the protective cocoon our parents wrap us all in - not so that you become stone cold or lose faith in humanity, but so that you can know what to expect when you step outside, and can be the one fixing the world, not losing hope in it.

21.  Everyone expresses emotions differently. 
Now I have this problem of showering affection in various forms, whether it’s making extremely personalized gifts or writing long, sentimental messages full of love. What's the problem, you ask? Well, I expect something in return as well. It has taken YEARS and many heartbreaks to realize that everyone expresses their love in their own way. Some may chose to not express at all! And that's fine. As long as they're good to you and there for you in tough times, that's all that REALLY matters. And also, yes, being different isn't limited to this case alone, rather to all aspects of life. So don't let the differences come between your relationships just because someone behaves differently towards life than you, rather enjoy their ways and be grateful for whatever they have to offer to you along your journey.

Now, these are just some of the things life taught me, I’m sure we've had our own personal experiences. But like I always say – that’s me signing off for now, with my two cents on life. Cheers! :)

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Dealing with Campus Placement Pressure

With the final year of college only months away, the pressure of placement began to build in my head. Terms such as “job security”, “company profiles” and “CTC” were becoming a large part of my Google’s search history. And I don’t just speak for myself, but for every student who at one point faces these months every year, with everyone at their own levels of aspirations and anxiety. I write today not to address a particular company, job or profile, but to address the whole campus recruitment procedure in general. Here is my take on HOW TO PREPARE YOURSELF for one the biggest responsibilities of your life – your FIRST job.

1.     Ask the RIGHT Questions
 It’s needless to say, your seniors and college faculty are the ones who will give you their first hand experiences. If you want to really DIG DEEP, go beyond “how much money do they offer?”, and start asking these questions –
a.    What companies come to our campus, and WHEN?
Since many colleges offer a single-job policy, it’s important to sit for the RIGHT companies. Rushing into decisions might get you a job, but might not get you one that you truly deserve.
b.    What profiles are offered by each of these companies?
You might hear huge names like Google and Microsoft, but you need to know what kind of work they’re asking you to do. For example, there’s no point sitting for a business analyst profile if you intend to get your hands on coding.
c.    What are the LOCATIONS?
If you’re someone who easily gets homesick, or in contrast, want to head out and explore a new city, learn what options you will potentially be offered. Right now you might THINK you’ll go for anything, you just care about the job, but in actuality, locations are what often make or break the whole deal.
d.    What is the growth rate of the companies?
Your career is yet to begin, so there’s no point in moving towards a company that might seem to offer a relatively good package now, but has slow growth in the market.
e.    What is the growth rate for the individual at the company?
If you’re truly up for some WORK, you’ll want to look for companies that offer lots of projects, challenging work, lots to learn, but at the same time, giving you space to breathe and go at your pace. People with even a year of experience are capable of saving you from their mistakes.

2.    Google It
Now, it might seem something not even worth mentioning, but many of us don’t even realize the masses of information that is placed on the internet for us to consume. Here are the top 4 websites I want you to checkout –
a.    Quora, a great community to find answers to just about all your queries
b.    Glassdoor, goes into the details of company-wise profiles and have some GOOD advice to share from the employees themselves
c.    LinkedIn, where you should build your virtual resume and a lot of contacts, that will help build your professional network
d.    YouTube, which you should now use to explore about interview experiences, tips and tricks, lectures on various topics of your field, etc.

3.  READ and SAVE
To be honest, I’ve never been this grateful for blogs before, but it was in this phase that I found the smallest forums and blogs my biggest saviour. BOOKMARK everything as you go, or take notes of the things you WANT to remember, because over the months to follow you’ll have SO much to remember that you’ll end up forgetting half the things you found, or HOW you even got to them!

4.    Understand the Placement Process
There are multiple rounds of screening, each requiring its own set of skills as you go. So make sure you understand what each round is about, how many potential rounds you’ll be driven through, etc.

5.    Work on Your Resume
Focusing on your field, start browsing through various resume samples, understand the keywords and pointers you can add to make your resume a HIT, and take the time to frame and reframe your resume to look clean and concise. Take a look at the ebook “The Google Resume” by Gayle Laakmann.

6.    Work that Mind
Apart from your field skills, every company wants people who have the ability to work out puzzles, logical reasoning, and solve aptitude. Here are some reference books I would highly recommend –
a.    Useful sites –,
b.    Brain teasers – “Puzzles to Puzzle You” by Shakuntala Devi
c.    Quantitative – “Quantitative Aptitude” (R S Aggarwal)
d.    Verbal and Non Verbal – “A Modern Approach to Verbal and Non Verbal Reasoning” (R S Aggarwal)
e.    Logical – “The Great Book of Puzzles and Teasers” (George Summers)

Here are the technical books and reference sites I studied from –
Useful sites – geeksforgeeks, stackoverflow
  1.  Crack the Coding Interview by Gayle Laakmann
  2.  140 Google Interview Questions
  3. MCQ’s in Computer Science by Timothy J Williams
  4. Data Structures and Algos Made Easy by Narsimha Karumanchi

NOTE : I downloaded free ebooks for many, and bought/borrowed the rest.

7.  Work SMART, Not Just Hard
Try and work with yourself to device plans to study. Do what helps YOU. Things that worked for me were -
a.    Discussing my progress with a friend I can trust and can truly compete with.
b.    Reminding myself that myself that only 15% (3-4 hours) of the day was work, the rest was still for my leisure. It made me feel bad when I couldn’t even give that insignificant 15%, thus keeping me going.
c.    Unlike many students who chose to study one thing a day, I studied a little of everything everyday – some apti, some tech, some coding, some vocabulary, etc.
d.    Making milestones. Having short-term, day-to-day based goals makes things on the long run possible.
e.    Use POST-IT notes that plan your work schedule, topics to be covered, etc. Cross out something once you’ve achieved it. Within days, you’ll start seeing crosses which will motivate you to move forward faster.

8.    Work on Your Self-Development
Take a look in the mirror and start thinking about the physical things you’d like to improve about yourselves. Even the smallest improvements can make all the difference in your personality and build your confidence. For me, it was things like –
a.    Grow out my shabby nails
b.    Stand straight (I tend to shrug since I’m tall)
c.    Don’t move your hands too much or act fidgety

Furthermore, work on things like your vocabulary, group communication and fluency in speaking English. Download the app called “MAGOOSH VOCAB for GRE” if you’re looking for some (1000, to be precise) of the most common (yet somehow uncommon to most of us Indians) words that aren’t just necessary for GRE, but for ANY course requiring English proficiency.

Another thing I’d like to advice is – CONTROL THY JARGON. In situations where you have developed a reflex to use inappropriate words like “shi*t” or “f**k”, it’s time to understand that these break the first rule of professionalism – sophisticated speaking.

9.    Learn to Accept Failure
I was blessed to get placed in the first company I sat for, however, I also see peers breaking down and going into absolute depression as they see themselves still struggling after months. Here are things you need to know –
a.    The number of companies that come to your campus is only a small FRACTION of some of the best in this country.
b.    Don’t waste time being morose, start applying for companies OFF CAMPUS.
c.    We all make mistakes, but you’ll succeed only if you learn from them. If you’re being rejected one company after the other, there’s a possibility that you’re making those mistakes more than once.
d.    Even if you start losing confidence, set a standard for yourself from the start, and do NOT resort to compromising to anything less. NOTE: Please set a realistic standard only after you truly self-evaluate.

10.  Start Preparing for the Interview
Don’t neglect your final round. Because while some companies have gaps between the various rounds, there are companies who wind up everything within a day. There are DOZENS of HR questions that you can easily screw up if you don’t go prepared for. Here is an article I really liked

These are probably just some of the things you can do, and there’s a lot more you should! So get right to it folks, all the best! J

Monday, July 21, 2014

The People of Kashmir

During a week's stay in Kashmir, we hired a local taxi driver who was kind enough to keep us filled on what Kashmir is really like, what its people go through, and how the heavenly place often becomes unbearable. I'm going by what he told us when I share the information, as well as some of my own speculation, so bare with me if I'm factually lagging behind somewhere. Anyhoo, here goes, to the people of Kashmir! *raising a toast*

The Way the Locals Speak
Along with a very soft-spoken and delicate accent, the first thing you'll notice is that the multilingual Kashmiri people tend to ask everything in a negative-interrogative way when speaking in Hindi. For instance, if our driver would want to know if we'd like to stop for lunch, his question would precisely translate to - "You don't want to eat, right?". To make matters more confusing, they expect the answer as "yes", in return, which would have logically meant we DON'T want to stop, but....aaah well, I'm still confused when I think about it!

It had me and my family in stitches the first couple of times, but it's a head's up for tourists - don't get the locals wrong, that's just the way their Hindi rolls out! :)

The General Attitude of Vendors
When vendors approach you, they will make shameless attempts to blandish you into buying their products. Whether in an attempt to soft-soap you by lovingly calling you "didi" or "sahab", or spreading out their entire range of products right in front of you with a clever dialogue claiming "you don't have to buy anything, just check out my collection".

At Dal Lake, where a vendor convinced me and my
parents to get pictures clicked, all dressed up in the 
ethnic Kashmiri dress. Aah, what a delight!

To be honest, we did get carried away and purchased quite a bit of Kashmiri jewelry and winter-wear! You will realize that people in Kashmir are very dedicated and hard-working, they will not steal from you, but try to fleece your money with your consent.

The Will Power of The Local Kashmiri
One day as we were driving out of Srinagar, we noticed that the shops were closed, for a local protest. It led to a discussion where the taxi driver shared how the people are so used to living under our hostility that they are capable of stocking their homes with food and basic amenities for the span of a whooping 6 months!! He even mentioned a curfew that lasted so many months, and the fact that schools are shut down for such long periods. You and I can only imagine the effect of such extremity!

No Cinema, No Threat
Because of the high alert zones in Kashmir, even the state's capital Srinagar doesn't have a theater to watch movies at! As a resort to gain entertainment by some means, the locals are accustomed to watching pirated movies. *ahem*

Free Weapons
Up till the early 2000's, weapons were sold openly in the local market, and there was no concept of licenses or no-loaded weaponry, because of which thousands of hand guns were sold off, and are still being confiscated till date. Our driver testified that the Indian government has spent money like water, to bring peace into the terrorized state. With every word he spoke, my goosebumps magnified!

High Patrolling
There are armed gunmen at every second step of the way, always on the lookout for local conflict. Though tourists are normally not harmed, the locals are always in the loop when it comes to trouble. He mentioned that there isn't one day when someone is shot down!

Closed shops, patrolling and empty streets
are a part of the daily life of Kashmiris!

Just after that, noticing how we all became perturbed, he brightened the mood by talking about how after an accident, people in Saudi Arabia first embrace each other thanking that they both came out alive, and then head to court to handle the situation professionally. Even though I had no clue if it was true or not, all I could say at the moment was - faith in humanity restored. :)

King-Sized Living
The one thing that amazed me about the city of Srinagar was its gigantic houses, which were no less than the definition of modern palaces! And there weren't just a few of them - almost ALL of them were generously invested in, built over large plots and spaced out liberally. And the taste in which they were built? Simply awe-striking!

He added that many Kashmiri NRI's come around the year to simply stay in their houses for a while and head back out. Being a Delhi-ite you begin to envy such comfort. But then you stop yourself, remembering, it comes with a price.

The Mughal Effect
You'll notice the roads are very well built, in Kashmir, except sometimes, you'll see enormous trees standing almost stray, in the middle of nowhere. When questioned, we learnt that these trees mark the period of the Mughal Dynasty, when maple trees were imported into the region by the rulers. Unlike many humans who have chosen to ruin nature for their temporal greed, the Kashmiris have chosen to let these majestic and historical marks pertain. In return, the maple trees beam down on Srinagar, blessing it with shade and shelter.

My dad standing next to a massive tree!

The Value for Education
As I had mentioned previously about dominant curfews and closed schools, it inspired me greatly to see that even then, the people chose to put their money into raising their children with whatever education is available. From the driver (who has two daughters), to the hotel manager, and from the horse guide to local vendors - I met many like-minded people who believed in the power of education, that too for both their sons and daughters!

The Muslim Wedding
An absolutely stunning thing I learned about Muslim weddings of the area was the minuscule amount that people chose to spend on weddings, and preferred to give to their children for their marriage instead. Furthermore, people who celebrate in a hotel are considered cheap, as the true essence of weddings lies in families gathering up at home and having a gala time with home-made delicacies and homely celebrations.

This down-to-earth practice is the complete opposite to weddings here in Delhi, where often, it's all about the gifts exchanged, money ploughed and dines-and-decorations.

And to think, these wonderful people live only miles away. I learnt a lot on this trip, and hope you will be just as marveled as you take a peak of what the people of Kashmir are like! Stay tuned for more of my unforgettable memories. :)

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Home Remedies for the Common Cold

Hello, my fellow sneezers!

You'll probably see a dozen posts on curing the common cold, and I've seen them too over the years! So I won't be repeating (I hope not) anything, and it's genuine advice from one cold-nose, to another. :)

NOTE : I am no doctor/nurse/brand-endorser. I swear by all the products I am using in this post!

WARNING : I'll be brutally honest about mucous and puke. Don't be disgusted, it happens to everyone, it's natural!

1. A for Alex - the GO TO cough drop for a sore throat! It's over the counter, and though more expensive than Vicks, you'll actually feel a significant difference. Stock your kit with these!

2. Sucking on 'Mishri' - Sugar lumps or rock sugar. Whenever you're developing a hoarse voice or need something to sooth your throat, even better than candies or too many lozenges, suck on a couple sugar lumps.

3. Spiced Water - not literally. But bring out that thermos flask, and add some boiled drinking water into it. Add 2 green cardamoms. Sip small quantities.

I have had SO many medicines that I'm beginning to feel that over-the-counter medicines don't work on me anymore. So I've been having this - Giloy Ghan Vati. 2 tablets, 3 times a day. It's not immediately effective like crocin. But this ayurveda medicine takes away the weakness and fixes up your immunity, plus it's safer. You can Google more of its goodness.

Tip No. 1 - I learned this recently. If you use a fan, keep it on low. And if you're using the air-con, the right temperature is 25. Furthermore, if you're using the two devices together, it's better to have the fan at bare-minimum, or you'll have a stuffier nose. Don't ask me why, I just know it's true for me!

Tip No. 1 - Instead of going all sophisticated with Kleenex, use a hand-sized towel to blow into. Or even better - blow at the bathroom sink (yes, Indians are more comfortable at it).
Tip No. 2 - DON'T BLOW YOUR NOSE TOO HARD. It's going to be make you dizzy, and can pop your brain vessel! No jokes!
Tip No. 3 - If your stuffed, don't blow. Steam. When you're runny, only then blow. And for heaven's sake, don't suck it in! :/

Tip No.1 - If you're coughing a lot while in bed, stack up a couple of pillows. You won't feel as agitated.
Tip No. 2 - Don't have rice. I've always been told it makes cough worse. Again, don't ask me why!
Tip No. 3 - Do at your own risk! In the morning, stand at the bathroom sink before you do anything else, and cough your lungs out (not literally). You'll get rid of a lot of built-up congestion, and it'll lighten your chest when it's all out. And let me just put the idea out there - you could use your toothbrush to poke at the end of your tongue/throat to help the stuff come out.

Tip No. 1 - If you're coughing too much, avoid eating heavy meals. I've often ended up vomiting it all out.
Tip No. 2 - Don't swallow mucous. It can make you nauseous.
Tip No. 3 - No matter how tired or energy-less you are, take a quick, warm shower. Take my word on this one. Why? Because I'm not afraid to admit I don't shower more than once in 24 hours. *wide grin*

That's all buddy. Hope this post helps.
Take care! :)

Note: Image courtesy - 'google images'. 

Monday, July 8, 2013

How Hard IS It To Lose Weight?

As a teenager, and even younger, I was always one of the thinnest girls in my class. Some would probably get picked on for being as thin as I was, but my height saved me. It saved them too- from the comeback that would follow. But that’s a different story. As I was saying, it never seemed to be a problem to me, I never thought of eating less than I wanted to, and it never seemed like a big deal, like the way the healthier kids made it seem to be, to have to be “weight conscious”. But then came college, and the game changed. Big time!

College is all about freedom. You do what you want to, when you want to and how you want to. And at this pinnacle of liberty, my wants were….food! Thanks to the endless chain of fast foods and restaurants across the road from the campus, my friends and I made a point to pay our respect to the place atleast once a week. If it wasn’t across this street, we would head out to some other street, at an attempt to explore the nation’s capital, Delhi. There was food everywhere we went, and it became everything I ever thought of.

It seems like reality came back to bite me after all these years. I had relatives telling me (until recently) that I look like my only source of food is the air. Not that I’ve exploded out now or become enormous, or something, but the change is big enough for me to realize that once you’re fat, giving up food is the hardest thing to do. It’s like every time you decide to gain a control over your taste buds, you’re served melted chocolate truffle, with your favorite ice cream, on a chocolate plate (which by the way, you get to eat with a chocolate spoon). So in a situation so alluring, you fall off the wagon, more often now, than then.

Coming from a family that doesn't believe in the concept of dieting, I've never really been successful in skipping meals. Time and again I've been told to exercise, to take a brisk walk in the morning, but there’s no fun in doing that, is there? So, I continue to hog on, and devour the many heavenly creations from the Cook Book to Fatness. If you wonder what the point is of cribbing, since I’m so adamant to keep eating, you’re right. I actually found something to do, that might just give me a way out.

There’s a popular television series- Grey’s Anatomy. I’m sure there are a number of you who follow it, and that’s where I got my idea from. No, I’m not talking about getting liposuction done (I don’t even have that kind of money to throw away). I’m actually referring to the crazy dancing spree that Christina and Meredith indulge in, from time to time! They do it to release the stress, but I think there’s more to it- if you let yourself loose, turn the music on to full volume, and then dance like a maniac…..there’s a lot of sweat dripping there. And for those of you who have no clue what I’m talking about, watch the video for yourself:

No kidding folks, this is one heck of an awesome way to FEEL yourself lose weight, and feel AMAZING while you’re doing it! Honestly, I’m not sure how long it takes to work; I've just joined the party. But if this sails your boat too, why not give it a shot? ;)

I'm pretty optimistic now, that I might just go back to saying someday, that losing weight isn't as hard as it seems to be!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

That Guest...

There are a variety of funny specimens in the human race, and sometimes we get to meet them in the form of our guests. We can’t escape them most of the times, and to make matters worse, there’s always something about them that irritates the hell out of us. I’m not saying my guests do that to me (they’re all very lovely, thank you very much J), but just for the sake of some fun, Akhil and I have formed a list of some of the kinds of people we all run into from time to time. So no hard feelings when you read this, and have a laugh with us when we say that there’s always the guest that

…is so loud that your whole house shudders from their booming voice
…says he/she has already ate a lot, but still decides to eat anyways (and more than you do, when actually you’re the one who’s starving)
…drains out all the hot water from the shower after their “quick bath”
…asks you what you’re doing about your career (just like the last time, and million times before that)
…refuses to leave, and keeps talking till what seems like the end of time (in sync to the one where they say they’re leaving, but never really seem to be able to get out of the door)
…is too primate to use the flush (Why God, why??)

And now, for some kids’ specials, there’s always the guest’s kid who
….eats out all the snacks from the serving tray with his/her bare hands (with his SALIVA-LAYERED, bare hands)
…seems to have escaped the local zoo (no offense, but the couch isn’t a trampoline kids, so stop acting like monkeys)
…uses the bathroom floor to leave signs that he was there (TOO unpleasant *grossed out*)
…digs his/her nose like….(there’s no metaphor disgusting enough to describe this one)
…likes your old toys better than anything, and makes the biggest scene on earth until you let him/her keep it (forever! L)
…goes through every cupboard, drawer and bag like a suspicious girlfriend (only worse)

And of course, an official tribute to the special aunties who
…walk into the kitchen asking how they can help, then just stare at all the good food and walk back to the table to sit and start eating right away
…have that laugh that makes you laugh (and it’s definitely not even in the romantic way)
…use your stuff like it’s really their’s, and forget to give it back (especially the hair bands)
…try making small talk with you but never really lets you finish your sentence

Ahhh….the list could go on and on! It’s a pleasant little world, isn’t it? J

Monday, July 1, 2013

Don't Believe In Make-Believe

As children, one of the first things we are introduced to is fairy tales. We are presented with a world of make-believe and told about stories that never happened, about people who never existed and about magic that disobeys all of nature’s laws. As we grow up, we realize that there’s no Santa Claus climbing down the chimney on Christmas Eve, there’s no such thing as talking animals (except parrots), and Cinderella’s story is just another girl’s dream (which in most cases doesn’t come true). My biggest question is WHY?

If I put myself in any parent’s shoes, I begin to understand that all they want to do is protect us from the infinitely cruel reality. They want us to believe that everything is striking, perfect and even if it’s not- the ending always becomes a “happily ever after”. We are taught to be exceptionally hopeful in life, live fearlessly and gain many other moral values that seem to come along with every one of those enchanting stories. That’s all great, but the truth is- we are taught lessons in the most sugar-coated way possible, and the only things we remember at the end of these lessons is that to be the princess, you have to be breathtakingly beautiful  (and by that I mean the prettiest thing alive), that your prince will come and get you no matter what (even if it means he has to kill someone) and that you’re always going to have some superpowers or magical friend that will help rescue you from all the bad guys. I’m pretty sure that's not the direction you were headed in, was it?

I have nothing against the charm and positive aura that these stories create around children, but I have an objection from the fact that parents DO hurt children by telling them years later that these things were….a lie. I have an objection against the pounds of expectations that are built up in our minds that we just can’t let go of. For all I know, I’d never even want to know about Santa, I’d rather just be thankful that my mom and dad spent their entire holiday bonus getting me the most incredible Christmas gifts. According to me, knowing this reality would actually make me love them even more (as a child).

It’s not that I don’t know that these are traditions that have been carried down the line since decades. But why do you need your children to hang on to something that doesn’t even exist, and then expect them to remember the lesson, but forgive the whole story behind this lesson for being surreal? I believe that the second a child knows the truth- he will forget what you had been trying to teach him all along. There are families who don’t follow these traditions, and their children turn out just fine. The children still grow up to be loving and caring, and even though they don’t believe in magic, it’s not something they can’t live without.

My thoughts might seem disrespectful or bold to some people, but all I’m trying to say is, there are better ways for parents to teach their kids to become better humans. It’s not fair to tell them about something that you don’t believe in yourself. Of course mystical things like witches and wizards are great in the movies (and books), but if you let your children see them just like a movie or a book, they’ll definitely turn out more practical as they grow up. They won’t be so heartbroken and they’ll still admire the characters just as much. To add to it, they might even cherish these stories more, now that they don’t have to be told to come back to reality.

As a child, I always felt that life around me was perfect, because my parents chose to omit the things that were too hard for me to handle as a child. But I was never really made to believe in these fictions. So things like having a rip-off dress or a perfect appearance never really mattered to me. My parents taught me to be a better person by displaying those qualities in themself. Whether it meant to learn to give up half the candy on Halloween because it would hurt my teeth, or share my toys with the other kids who came home on parties- I learned to do it (even if I cried my eyes red sometimes). They managed to protect without hurting me more than necessary, and today, I know everything about life the way it is, and I'm actually happier this way. And I think I’ll go the same way, when it’s my turn to be a parent. J