Thursday, March 5, 2015

21 Things I Learned By the Age of 21

A reasonable amount of self-reflection throughout my life helped me avoid making the same mistakes over again (after a few times, I’ll admit). So having stalled this piece for a while now, I thought I'd make it happen before I hit the next number! I'm here to share the 21 most-crucial things life has taught me over my teen years, and things I'd definitely teach myself before, if I knew any better. I'll just jump right to it.

1.      Stop self diagnosis. 
I'm tired of worrying myself crazy about things that never happened to me, especially on the health frontier. My dentist recently clicked my head back on, when she called me a “Google-educated doctor” because I was becoming highly inquisitive. And that very day, I stopped worrying about all the diseases and disorders Google gave to me.

2.      Once you go fat, you can't go back.
From looking under-nourished to reaching the peak of "healthy" on the BMI scale - I've seen both worlds. I've indulged in high-calorie foods for so long just to gain some flesh on my bones, that now I can see repercussions in the form of never-melting fat. Scientifically proven, fat cells never die - they just squeeze into corners, ready to be fed once you leave that crash diet. The point to take away from this? Well, to eat in moderation or just exercise enough, you’d like.

3.      Stop using technology when you're talking. 
I've gone out of the way at home, to turn off the TV and keep everyone's phones aside so that we can have a one-to-one conversation, instead of a one-to-someone.

4.      Have some gratitude.
Whenever you're sad, immediately stop in that very moment, and count what you're grateful for. And if possible, forget your problems temporarily and go help someone else. 
I've sincerely followed this for some time now, leading myself to believe, my grass may not be the greenest, but its green enough for me.

5.      Learn to let go of people.
It’s okay to lose friends, even if they meant the world to you. While you do move on eventually, the true essence of letting go of someone is being able to not “hate” them or have any ill-will towards their existence. I’ll go cliché here and say – live and let live!

6.      Clean surroundings make you more productive.
Call it Feng Shui, human psychology or a minor case of OCD - this has been tried and tested by me as well. The more de-cluttered your wardrobe, bed, school bag or even kitchen is - the more empowered and willing to do something you'll feel. I learned something very small but beautiful while watching a TV show once - every item has its own place. So when you set everything up in its right place, you're sorting your life out literally as well as symbolically.

7.      The best things in life are free.
Well food, ofcourse, yes. But in general, the most happiness you'll find isn't by investing in things, rather in people. So the next time you truly want to make someone’s day, don't gift them materialistic trinkets and what-not (unless its chocolates – you can never gift enough chocolates), but instead, gift them your time.

8.      Learn the difference between sympathy and empathy.
Teenagers are the biggest hormone wrecks you'll find (I've been one too, no judging). You'll be tempted to mourn about your grievances in every form whether it's online through all the social media or in person, to garner all the sympathy you can. If you really want to feel better about your problem, or help someone else out - don't attract or provide sympathy. Be empathetic. It's difficult to explain this one, but I'm sure you'll sympathize with me. xD

9.      The world is an infinite pool of knowledge. 
Take a second to realize – the unlimited amount of information in the world, just waiting to be consumed! You can't know everything, but if you want, you can learn quite a lot. Make yourself culturally, politically and psychologically diverse. Even if your friends are JUST like you, you can spend quality time on YouTube (I say this because many of us aren't voracious readers). And why must you gain this information? To grow! And also because who likes a gossip queen that has nothing but shallowness to offer?

10.  When you've received everything you possibly could out of a relationship or job, move out of it.
If you keep moving in circles, you'll always come back to zero displacement (as physics told us). There is just SO much to be experienced in this world that you can't afford to have the single same experience forever. On the other hand, inertia can be so tempting. But it’s the ability to fight this psychological inertia that will make your life move.

11.  Make peace with your past - it may not have screwed your life but it will atleast stop screwing your mind. 
You don't have to go back to being in the same relationship with the people you broke up with, but it's important that at some point in life you lay down the hatchet. A door swings both ways, so don't keep blaming someone for entirely doing something wrong, take a couple moments to apologize and grow up. This way, you won't cringe every time you hear their name or meet them randomly (and I promise, you actually will, because the world is really small place).

12.  You don't need anything to be happy. 
When in doubt, follow this - look in the mirror, place your hand over your heart and say to yourself - this is where my happiness lies. Cheesy much? I know. But it's the best reminder to just BE HAPPY. It starts from within. And if you really have nothing to be happy about (because you're so ignorant), just celebrate your existence.

13.  We aren't the only intelligent life in the universe. 
Well for one, look at government websites from around the world, where UFO "eyes only" documents have been released over these decades, still unsolved cases. Second, you think an infinite universe was created just for us? Like I said, there's an indefinite pool of knowledge to dive into - what side of the pool are you looking at?

14.  Make lists
The simple practice of making lists, crossing them out and feeling highly accomplished works like a charm. I've got post-its all over my desk, for personal and professional goals, as well as to-do's on my phone. And the joy of having achieved something is what makes me motivated to do so much more!

15.  Every situation cannot be binary – there isn't always a right or wrong.
If everyone thought in the same way, if everyone wanted the same things, we'd all be robots living in a boring world of nothingness. Don't be bent on proving your point every single time, or going bonkers because someone's ideology doesn't match yours. The key here is to "agree to disagree".

16.  It's okay not to have a boyfriend/girlfriend (I’m sorry to break your bubble). 
If the sole purpose of your life is to get married and have children, please self-reflect! 
The "desperation" to get into a relationship is seeing new heights with every generation that passes. Don’t get me wrong – I know for a fact that infatuation and attraction play a dominant role in almost every teenager's life, and we could have a whole debate on the growing promotion of sexual content that is becoming more public by the hour, but my main point is - why is the old-school "sharing smiles" rapidly transforming into "sharing saliva" and why isn't education the next "sexy"? If you evaluate people's intolerance to live with one another, you'll discover that seldom do relationships go a long way. On the other hand, a solid educational foundation might just make you the next Larry Page (or whomsoever may YOU idealize).

17.  Stand up for/against something. Make your voice count.
Form an opinion about things, stand up for a cause you truly feel for and make your existence worthwhile! There are so many tragic events and underprivileged people who need YOU to speak up for them. And hey, if you really want to start somewhere - start by standing up for yourself. The world would be a much better place if everyone helped take care of each other.

18.  Donate.
Not because you'll go to heaven or because you felt sympathy. But because you CAN. I read Gandhi's quote in a geography book once but it's making sense now after a decade - there is enough in this world for everyone's need, but for nobody's greed. So if there is ANYTHING to spare, please do so.

19.  Respect other people's time. And make sure they respect yours!
I have this fortune/unfortunate habit of scheduling my life around time slots, as much as possible. So when other people who are required to meet this time slot don't show up, it really bums me out, and it seems like they're wasting my time as well as their own. And no, right now I may not be the busiest person, but managing time is something we all need to learn. If you have to walk away from someone for their poor commitment, don't fret it!

20.  Learn to stomach gruesome, frightening content.
At one point in life, reading a horrendous rape story made me sleepless for nights, and I had to lean on friends and family to talk me through the nights. I have begun to accept that I don't live in a great world, there is terror at every corner and the only way to handle it is to KNOW IT EXISTS. So grow your appetite for the worst this world has to offer and come out of the protective cocoon our parents wrap us all in - not so that you become stone cold or lose faith in humanity, but so that you can know what to expect when you step outside, and can be the one fixing the world, not losing hope in it.

21.  Everyone expresses emotions differently. 
Now I have this problem of showering affection in various forms, whether it’s making extremely personalized gifts or writing long, sentimental messages full of love. What's the problem, you ask? Well, I expect something in return as well. It has taken YEARS and many heartbreaks to realize that everyone expresses their love in their own way. Some may chose to not express at all! And that's fine. As long as they're good to you and there for you in tough times, that's all that REALLY matters. And also, yes, being different isn't limited to this case alone, rather to all aspects of life. So don't let the differences come between your relationships just because someone behaves differently towards life than you, rather enjoy their ways and be grateful for whatever they have to offer to you along your journey.

Now, these are just some of the things life taught me, I’m sure we've had our own personal experiences. But like I always say – that’s me signing off for now, with my two cents on life. Cheers! :)